Last modified: 2021-03-04
Teachers in carrying out their duties must have competence, one of which is professional competence. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 137 of 2014, the professional competence that teachers must have is that they develop professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking reflective action, the teacher designs various creative development activities according to the stages of early childhood development, and the teacher develops materials, structures, and concepts in scientific fields that support and in line with the needs and stages of early childhood development. In fact, there are teachers who have long enough teaching experience but do not develop professionalism, are unable to design creative activities, and are unable to develop materials that support children's development.
The form of solution that will be given is training and workshops. Training provided to teachers in the material of kindergarten teacher professionalism. Kindergarten teacher professionalism includes how kindergarten teachers must be able to design creative activities according to the alpha generation and teachers are able to develop their professionalism by carrying out activities that can increase their competence. Furthermore, a workshop on how to learn early childhood. That teachers must develop material that is tailored to the needs and stages of children's development with the principle of learning while playing. Kindergarten teachers must be aware and believe that the ultimate goal of early childhood education is not "calistung". The final stage of this activity is assistance in teaching and learning activities. This activity sees the professionalism of kindergarten teachers not only in practice but also administratively. This activity is expected to solve problems in the field of education. The target of this activity is that kindergarten teachers understand the professional competencies that kindergarten teachers must have and are able to design and practice creative learning with the principle of learning while playing.