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Modernisasi Pelayanan Perpustakaan Sekolah berbasis SchILS dan Katalog Induk KAMAYA bagi pengelola Perpustakaan Sekolah: Pelatihan Tenaga Pengelola Berbasis Daring
Last modified: 2021-03-04
The law No.43/2007 encourages the use of ICT in the library services. This also imply to school library as well. Pity that plenty of school currently unable to fulfill the mandate. This training activity is meant to help school librarians understand and implement library automation using SchILS application. Before pandemic, the program was design for 3 days hands on training that include installing, managing collection and patrons, and joining school library union catalog network. With the social distancing and pandemic blockade, the training materials had to be delivered online, thus the participants can be opened for public. More than 60 people registered the admission, only 50 school librarians or librarian technicians selected to join the program. Instructors of the course are the authors and assisted by 3 students, acted as part of the committee. During the program,22 participants actively follow the course topics, while the others having difficulties with their limited ICT knowledge, and join the program just for the sake of having the course certificate after joining the first day class. The program can be considered a success with most of active participants get better understanding of library automation and the use of SchILS in daily activity. Post test score for the topics relevancy of the program show the highest score of 4.85 on scale of 1 to 5.The average score for the whole program itself is 3.84 based on topics relevance, reflective thingking, interactivity of participant, tutor support, peer support, and participant interpretation.
School Library, Library Automation, SchILS, KAMAYA
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