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Edukasi Pentingnya Menyikat Gigi dengan Baik dan Benar untuk Menurunkan Indeks Plak Gigi di Klinik Cempaka Putih
Last modified: 2021-03-04
Background: Dental caries is a problem faced by all walks of life. One of the causes of caries is the presence of piles of plaque that are not cleaned properly. Good and correct brushing techniques are essential to remove plaque that causes dental caries. The aim of this program was to provide education on good and correct teeth brushing techniques to minimize the dental plaque index in dental patients at Cempaka Putih clinic, Central Jakarta. Method: This program was giving education to dental patients enrolled in Klinik Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta and evaluates changes in knowledge on how to brush teeth properly through a virtual zoom meeting attended by 89 participants. Result: Wilcoxon test analysis results on respondents' knowledge levels showed that there was a significant difference between the knowledge of educational participants before and after being educated on how to maintain oral and dental health (p<0.05). Increasing public awareness and knowledge about the importance of maintaining dental health can be developed gradually and contribute to improving the quality of dental health in Indonesia
toothbrush, plaque, education, knowledge
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