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Edukasi Daring Literasi HIV/AIDS pada Guru dan Pustakawan Menggunakan Media Video
Last modified: 2021-03-04
Information technology media has an important role in disseminating HIV/AIDS information and increasing one's knowledge. Teachers and librarians have an important role in increasing students 'knowledge, changing students' attitudes towards deviant sexual relations, and their perspective on HIV/AIDS. This service community aims to provide strengthening knowledge to teachers and librarians about HIV/AIDS through a video. The method of activity is done by online. Dissemination of HIV/AIDS information through video on whatsapp group and webinar with zoom. The evaluation using the Pre-Test and Post-Test method. The results of the activity are that a video contributed in increasing knowledge of HIV/AIDS participants with 65.38 percent, but there was also a derivation in knowledge by 34.62 percent. An appropriate strategy is needed in evaluating activity so that the increasing in participants' knowledge can be optimally achieved.
health information, HIV/AIDS, online literacy education, teacher and librarian
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