Last modified: 2021-03-04
Ciseeng Village is located in Bogor Regency with a length of 3.9 Km and has the lowest elements of government assistance, consisting of 03 Hamlets, 08 Rukun Warga (RW), and 29 Rukun Tetangga (RT). This community service activity carried out in Ciseeng village, Bogor district, will invite youth who are included in youth tourism villages.
The choice of youth as the target of the activity cannot be separated from the lack of appreciation space for the nation's future. Youth in Ciseeng Village experience stagnation and limited creative space. This cannot be separated from the malfunctioning of tourism village youth. Therefore, activating and empowering tourism village youth is basically providing a forum for creativity to be channeled.
Raising awareness is important for strengthening the foundations of tourism village youth. Therefore the activities carried out by the service team try to make room for the development of creativity and commitment to the organization. Lecture models and game simulations and placing teenagers as part of problem solvers are the best ways to mature adolescents that by practicing and being directly involved in organizations (tourism village youth) can foster care for themselves and their environment.
Training activities during service (formation of tourism village youth in Ciseeng Village, Organizational Training, innovative and creative skills training, as well as motivating tourism village youth to generate and foster a sense of confidence in building a better Ciseeng village