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Revitalisasi kader kesehatan dalam membantu gerakan gigi sehat keluarga di desa Ciseeng
Last modified: 2021-03-04
Based on RISKESDAS data in 2018, the prevalence of dental caries in children aged 5-9 years has increased sharply to 92.6%, while the prevalence of caries at age 10-14 years was 73.4%. it was found also in Riskesdas 2018 that only 2.8% of people in Indonesia brushed their teeth correctly in frequency and time. Various promotional efforts have been made, especially through UKGS program by conducting a joint toothbrush and DHE (dental health education) program, however the result was not significantly reduced the prevalence. In addition, during the Covid-19 pandemic, UKGS (Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah) activities did not work at all, because students studied at home during pandemic. The role of cadres is urgently needed in helping to improve family knowledge and skills in oral health in order to help their children at home. The cadre training was done and attended by 20 cadres at Ciseeng village office. The training materials included: types and functions of teeth, the process of caries, foods that are good and bad for oral health, prevention of caries, etc. In addition to improve their skills cadres were taught how to brush their teeth properly and correctly using a phantom. To measure the success of cadre’s training, a pretest and posttest was conducted using a questionnaire. The results of the pre and post-test through the questionnaire showed a very sharp increase of 100.9%. After the training, each cadre was assigned to reach 5 families with children under 12 years old. Cadres are tasked to teach families, especially housewives and their children, how to maintain proper and correct oral health. During covid-19 pandemic it is not advisable to make visits to the dentist if not in an emergency case because of the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Therefore, cadres play important roles in improving oral health of the Ciseeng village community, especially in school-age children.
cadres, school age children, oral health
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