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KREATIF DAN PRODUKTIF DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 “Pelatihan Pembuatan Gantungan Pot dan Gelang Tali bagi Warga dan Pengurus RT. 06 / RW 05 Baranangsiang, Kota Bogor”
Last modified: 2021-03-04
This community service activity aims to contribute knowledge through training to make pot hangers and rope bracelets for residents and RT administrators 06 / RW 05 Baranangsiang, Bogor City, in the time of the covid-19 pandemic. This community service activity method uses lectures, demonstrations, question and answer methods and the practice of making pot hangers and string bracelets. This training involves lecturers of the Management Study Program at the Faculty of Economics, YARSI University and is assisted by students in collaboration with the RT Management. 06 / RW 05 Baranangsiang, Bogor City. The result of this community service activity was that the participants were able to make pot hangers with various materials and models and were able to make rope bracelets. Besides that, the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the training from start to finish.
pot hanger, rope bracelet
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