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Pelatihan dan Edukasi Gizi Seimbang di Prasekolah Cempaka Putih
Attamimi FA, Riyadi NA, Arsista D

Last modified: 2021-03-04


Nutrition is one of the determinants of the quality of human resources, Indonesia still has nutrition problems that have a serious impact on the quality of human resources. Problems of malnutrition which  quite high in Indonesia are the problem of stunting and wasting in toddlers. Education about healthy food and balanced nutrition can increase preschool students' knowledge and form a positive attitude towards the application of Balanced Nutrition.

The method of this program is to train a cadre of teachers who will then deliver on an ongoing basis to preschool students and their parents. Education for students is carried out using physical activity methods in the form of growing organic vegetables and fruits to introduce healthy food together with increasing physical activity. In accordance with the age of preschool children, with physical activity a child can learn many things, because by playing children feel happy and able to last longer so that their ability to remember becomes better.

This programme have been running well and are expected to increase knowledge and gave positive attitudes of teachers, parents and preschool students towards the application of Gizi Seimbang. It is hoped that this small change step can be developed gradually and can contribute to improving the quality of health of Indonesian societyKeywords: preschool, balanced nutrition, cadre training, knowledge


Gizi seimbang, preschool, cadre training ,education, knowledge

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