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Pelatihan Program Sahabat “Saya Sehat, Jadi Anak Hebat” Pada Guru dan Orang Tua Siswa di Taman Kanak – Kanak
Last modified: 2021-03-04
Oral health is related to general health because a healthy mouth contributes towards good overall health and can reduce the risk of various diseases. Therefore, there are two things that can maintain a healthiness, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are maintaining oral health by tooth brushing, and hand washing to prevent Covid-19 transmission. This activity must be implemented in society and carried out from early age. Integrated promotive and preventive activities can be implemented through a program, namely Program Sahabat, "Saya Sehat, Jadi Anak hebat." This program is carried out in the form of tooth brushing and hand washing education activities based on the guidelines from World Health Organization (WHO). The activity is carried out in two stages, there are the education and the evaluation. The targets of this program are the teachers and parents of the Sanimah Islamic Kindergarten students, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The program was implemented and received a good response from pesertats. The result of this program showed a significant increase in teacher and parent's knowledge level (p < 0,05).
Health promotion, health education, tooth brushing, hand washing
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